Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New at This (A.K.A. Not a Clue What I'm Doing Here)!

Howdy! My name is Ashley (or Mrs. Myers if you happen to be a Kindergartner)! I am new to this whole "blog" thing, and I have no clue what to blog about, meaning I don't think my life is exciting enough for people to actually read about.

So let's start with a little bit about me:

I am happily married to Ian, the studliest sheriff's deputy around!  We have been married for a blissful, crazy, wonderful two years this summer! 

See! I told you he was studly! ;)

We have two kids dogs, Zoey & Sisko. Zoey is very energetic possibly ADHD deaf Bichon Frise, & Sisko is a lazy sweet little Long-Haired Mini-Dachshund.  I'm sure my blogs will have to do with those two.  They're always doing something to entertain Ian and me. 

Here's Zo-Zo, doing her two favorite things: hogging the pillows & guarding us from Threat Numero Uno--CATS...Not a cat has gotten by her yet!
Aaaand here's Sisko. Look at those cute fluffy ears!

We just bought a house this past February, so you may get to hear about the joys and hell of owning a "starter home fixer-upper!" 

The Myers are signing their lives away/up to their eyeballs in debt for the next 30 years new homeowners! Yay!
 I am a Kindergarten teacher at a small school.  This coming August will be my second year of teaching.  My blogs will probably also have A LOT to do with the crazy, wild, laughable, cute, goofy antics of my Kindergartners (once August rolls around, sigh, I love summer...).

Where I found this super cute pic!

I have an awesome family...something else you will proably get to hear about! Especially this guy here...
My absolutely A-FREAKING-DOR-ABLE nephew, Colten (or the C-Monster, as I like to call him)!

And I just realized it's almost 5 AM (ah, a teacher's summer), so I'm headed to bed! Good Night!

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