Monday, September 17, 2012

Junie B. Meets Zoey & Sisko!

Wow it's been a busy time since I last posted!!

School has started...we are going on day 17 tomorrow! Woowho! I have 15 kids--5 girls and 10 boys (wow). Love them! It's such a huge change from last year's class of 25! As we say in class, it's brrrrrrrilliant!

We've also got a new pet in Kindergarten. Junie B. the Hamster! Named after who else, but Junie B. of the BEST children's book characters ever! :)  Here are some pics of Junie meeting my dogs this weekend!

Zoey wasn't too sure what to think of Junie!

Sisko was NOT going to share his food! :)

They did pretty good with her! She survived! :)  Tomorrow when she goes back to school, the kids get a fun little surprise.  She wrote them a note while she was at my house (FULL of sight words, imagine that)!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Time Flies...*Sigh*

Holy cow, I can't believe it's been more than a month since I have blogged....time flies when you really DON'T want it to you're having a blast! 

I've been pretty busy in that month! I've gone to my classroom to set up once lots of times...Motivation, where are you?! Oh that's right, it's summer. You're on vacation.  The hubs and I went to see "The Dark Knight Rises". IT. WAS. AWESOME! I'm not even a comic book/super hero type person, and I love the Batman Trilogy.

Hellllooooo, Christian Bale (aka Bruce Wayne/Batman).

We got a new stove & refrigerator for our house. Can I get an AMEN?! The fridge was a must, ours gave out (when it rains, it poors, huh?!). But the stove was a whim. An exciting one though(wooo ceramic top!), don't get me wrong.  Shout out to my grandparents for "gifting" those to us! I never thought I'd be the type to get worked up over appliances. Maybe I'm getting old?

Ian and I celebrated 2 years of wedded bliss on Tuesday! Two years has gone by so fast! WOW! We went to the Joe to eat at Texas Roadhouse (in love with their rolls & cinnamon butter) and then played mini-golf.  My competitive husband didn't see fit to let me win though! But it was still fun to get out and do something! I see an anniversary vacation in our near future--next year? Oh yeah!  <3 Here's to 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 many more years together! Can't wait for all the exciting things to come (cough, cough, baby please?)!

And this week, some of the other SH teachers and I are in the Kagan Cooperative Learning training. I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty awesome. I know, I know, trainings...awesome?! Psssshhh. BUT I'm telling you, teacher trainings rock. You get to play games and sing songs. It's like being a Kindergartner, instead of the grown-up teacher. And I can't wait to use the structures in my classroom this year.  Not that I want the school year to hurry up and get here. SLOOOOOWWWW down please. August can dilly-dally all it wants! I love, love, love my job...but I love, love, love summer too. Maybe a smidge more!

Alrighty, time to get off here and go to bed at a decent hour to get up at the butt-crack of dawn early for training...LAST DAY TOMORROW. WOOOO!!! Then, aloha weekend!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


SO! I have to share something exciting Ian and I did yesterday.........WE GOT TO MEET JUNIE B. JONES!!! If you are not familiar with her, Junie B. is a childrens' book character with her own series (by Barbara Park)! The books follow Junie B. through Kindergarten and first grade. And let me tell you, if JBJ was in my room, I'm not sure what I'd do with her...let's just say she's a spaz very exuberant...and she's always doing something funny. I remember reading her book clear back when I was a first grader. And now I read them to MY Kindergarten class. So you can imagine how excited I was to go to Barnes & Noble (which is definitely one of my favorite stores, too--HELLO BOOK HEAVEN!) to see her! EEEEE!

Here I am with Junie B. Jones & her bus driver, Mr. Woo (she meets him in her very first book, Junie B. Jones & the Stupid Smelly Bus)

I can't believe Junie B. has been around for 20 years...she's as old young as I am! :)

Junie B. Jones....the Stupid Smelly Bus she refers to in her first book!

I might have been the oldest Junie B. fan there, but I don't care! It's all good when you tell people you're a K teacher! :) I also got hooked up with an Educators' discount card while I was there...20% teaching resources, WOOWHO! Thank you, B & N! Much love!

Well, that's it for today! Tomorrow I will share the other part of that day...the not so great bank blunder. BYEH. But for now, off to the pool with the C-Monster!

New at This (A.K.A. Not a Clue What I'm Doing Here)!

Howdy! My name is Ashley (or Mrs. Myers if you happen to be a Kindergartner)! I am new to this whole "blog" thing, and I have no clue what to blog about, meaning I don't think my life is exciting enough for people to actually read about.

So let's start with a little bit about me:

I am happily married to Ian, the studliest sheriff's deputy around!  We have been married for a blissful, crazy, wonderful two years this summer! 

See! I told you he was studly! ;)

We have two kids dogs, Zoey & Sisko. Zoey is very energetic possibly ADHD deaf Bichon Frise, & Sisko is a lazy sweet little Long-Haired Mini-Dachshund.  I'm sure my blogs will have to do with those two.  They're always doing something to entertain Ian and me. 

Here's Zo-Zo, doing her two favorite things: hogging the pillows & guarding us from Threat Numero Uno--CATS...Not a cat has gotten by her yet!
Aaaand here's Sisko. Look at those cute fluffy ears!

We just bought a house this past February, so you may get to hear about the joys and hell of owning a "starter home fixer-upper!" 

The Myers are signing their lives away/up to their eyeballs in debt for the next 30 years new homeowners! Yay!
 I am a Kindergarten teacher at a small school.  This coming August will be my second year of teaching.  My blogs will probably also have A LOT to do with the crazy, wild, laughable, cute, goofy antics of my Kindergartners (once August rolls around, sigh, I love summer...).

Where I found this super cute pic!

I have an awesome family...something else you will proably get to hear about! Especially this guy here...
My absolutely A-FREAKING-DOR-ABLE nephew, Colten (or the C-Monster, as I like to call him)!

And I just realized it's almost 5 AM (ah, a teacher's summer), so I'm headed to bed! Good Night!